Ongoing Needs

Bottled Water
Gatorade/Powerade/Sports Drinks Frozen Meat Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season Eggs (by the dozen only) Hot Dogs Lunch Meat (all kinds) Smoked Sausage/Kielbasa Cheese (chunks and sliced) Cans of Vienna Sausage Juice Boxes Individually Wrapped Snack Packs Breakfast Bars Pop Tarts Large Cereal Boxes Ramen Noodles Soups and Stews
Hamburger Helper
Grits Oatmeal Uncle Ben’s Rice Mac and Cheese Tuna Snack Chip Bags Chicken Salad Dried Fruit Snack Packs Sleeping Bags (new or used) Backpacks (new or used) Ponchos Umbrellas Gloves Socks Bug Spray Sanitizing Wipes Hand Warmers |
All food items must be sealed and have future “use by” date. Nothing expired, please.
Monetary donations are always welcome. Please visit our donate page, or mail a check to:
Loaves and Fishes Ministry
651 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Macon, GA 31201.