Grants comprise approximately one-half of the needed yearly operating budget for Loaves and Fishes Ministry. Every grant received requires a “make good” report back to the Grantor. We have been blessed with the generous benefactors listed below who continually help the Ministry meet the basic human needs of those less fortunate in our community.
2022/2023 Grantors
Grantor Amount Project
Ann & George Hatcher $10,000 New Freezer and Refrigerator
Atrium Navicent $10,000 Welcome Home Program
United Way $10,000 3pm Meals
J. Grassman $15,000 Endowment
H. Porter $21,500 Pavilion
Northrup $1,400 3pm Meals
High Five Grant (CFCG) $5000 Shower Rehab
Dunlap Williamson $1,400 Operation Read
NonProfit (CFCG) $25,000 Administration Expenses
United Health Systems $25,000 Welcome Home Program
Perot Fiero $4,000 Grocery Outreach Program
Prince Foundation $5,000 Pavilion Project